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Anti-Bacterial Filters In Air Conditioners
Don’t think that you are breathing in safe air just because you are inside the home! The air we breathe in and out is not just Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide. It is loaded with microbes and other impurities! We cannot prevent it; it is a part of life. India homes the most...
Vitamin C Filter In An AC – Pros And Cons
We hear all the time that breathing in a polluted air causes respiratory problems like Asthma. Have you ever thought about how indoor air quality can affect your skin and overall health? Studies indicate that air quality in our homes is more polluted than outdoor air....
AC Terminology – ISEER, EER, BEE Star Ratings
In the world of electronic appliances, there is a lot of jargon! You must have heard your Air Conditioner repairman using terms which you didn’t understand! There is a majority of people who cannot make sense of what the manufacturer is trying to convey. People end up...
Types Of Filters Used In An Air Conditioner
Almost all of us have an Air Conditioner in our home. The demand for ACs is likely to increase in the years to come. Also, since 1990, there has been a massive increase in the level of Indoor Air Pollution. A continuous decline in air quality has spurred many people...
HEPA Filter – Working and Importance
“Stay Indoors” is what the government and the news channel advice whenever the pollution reaches a higher level in the cities. While walking down a busy road in an urban city, we often cover our nose and mouth to protect ourselves from dust and pollution. Sometimes,...
Groundwater Pollution – An Emerging Challenge
“We will never realise the value of water until the well is dry!” Water is life. It is one of the great blessings which we cannot manufacture, even if we get all the raw materials. India has no scarcity of rivers, lakes and ponds. People depend a lot on surface water...
Inverter Technology In Washing Machines
Washing Machine has become an essential fixture in every home today. When you venture to buy a washing machine, you get more than a dozen prominent varieties nudging each other for space in your sweet home! Inverter Washing Machines’ are the recent ones. At first...
Inverter Technology in Refrigerators
Why do we feel better sitting under a fan when we are perspiring or sweating? Or, why do we take a cold bath when we feel uncomfortable on a hot day? Naturally, it gives us a sigh of relief! But how does this happen? It happens because of evaporation which brings a...
Harmful Effects of Heavy Metals in Drinking Water
W.H. Auden, a British poet, once quoted, “Thousands can live without love but, not one without water!” Water is crucial to life. We cannot live on air alone; our body needs food and water to survive. Our body can go for some weeks without food but, water is a...
Blood Glucose Meter Accuracy
Home Testing Method has become very common today. All those who know someone who has Diabetes will be aware of what a Glucometer or Blood-Glucose Meter (BCM) does. This device allows you to check the glucose levels in your blood anytime, anywhere. Perhaps, most of us...
Fluoride Drinking Water – Health Risks
It was discovered in 1937 that high consumption of fluoride is harmful when Nalgonda (in Hyderabad) witnessed the first cases of fluorosis in India. Since then, various cases of Fluorosis have been observed in India and across the world. If you have ever visited in...
Gas Stove Maintenance Tips
Cooking with gas stoves has been around since hundreds of years ago. Since then, gas stoves have become important kitchen equipment. The introduction of Gas Stoves has completely changed the way of cooking. However, today’s technology has developed new techniques for...