Colouring is one of the most fun activities for kids. The colouring books, which are a great pleasure for kids, support children’s brain development. It benefits in many ways, from motor skills to mental development.

Colouring activities allow children to have fun and quality time; improves children’s dexterity, increases their ability to focus, supports the development of imagination.

These skills support the development of the brain in parallel. Now let’s take a look at the impact of colouring books on the development of children.

Improves Handicraft

Colouring books play an important role in the development of children’s dexterity, especially in the preschool period. Children can develop fine motor skills through painting activities. With these activities, children learn to use hand and finger muscles, hand-eye coordination and it improves the control skill.

As all these skills develop in the process, the children prepare for school in advance. This preparation from the preschool period makes it easier for children to gain writing skills in the future. They are more likely to be successful in academic terms. In addition, With the acquisition of these skills, it increases children’s self-confidence.

Colouring books are effective in prolonging children’s attention span.

Colouring books to Increase Focus Ability

During the painting event, the children usually draw the image they visualize in their minds. Thousands of thoughts pass through our brains every second. Activities such as writing and painting help to focus on these thoughts.

The children have the opportunity to visualize their imagination while painting. This makes them think more about the object in their mind and focus on a situation.

The ability to focus develops over time. In this way, children gain the ability to focus on a subject for a longer period of time, attention is extended.

Attention period; It is one of the variables that positively affect the academic achievement of children.

Imagination Develops

Painting freely is one of the activities that develop children’s creativity, but it is necessary to avoid behaviours such as guiding or limiting children. The boundaries can prevent children’s creativity. Giving them an unlimited choice allows them to increase creativity and enrich their imagination. Expert’s stress that parents should encourage children to make open-ended pictures.

Colouring books with complementary pictures also contribute to the enrichment of children’s imagination. Asking them to complete a picture of an unfinished object or animal is an effective example. Showing a picture of an ordinary object in the colouring book, asking how he/she might be different. Asking them to draw there idea activates children’s imagination.

Of course, the pictures they make may be quite different from the standards in real life. In such cases, you should definitely not react negatively. Receiving a negative reaction can break the children’s self-confidence and blunt the desire to try different things.

Instead, it is more effective to talk about why they made such a choice and what went through their mind.

Increases Self-confidence

Colouring books also have a positive impact on the emotional development of children. Children have the opportunity to taste the sense of success and it improves the self-confidence.

They are starting to feel emotionally stronger and open to new experiences. Also; they transfer their achievements to other areas of their lives. They take action to learn the same success in different areas of their lives and learn to strive.

The drawings made by the children allow parents to have an idea of ​​their inner world.

Children reflect their inner world with their paintings. Therefore, it is beneficial to talk with children about their paintings in many ways. Their self-expression and language skills develop and their ability to make sense of objects strengthens.

Moreover, their painting and drawings are a way to convey their emotional or psychological messages. The best way to understand what the resulting drawings and paintings mean is to chat with them and listen carefully to what they say!

Children think that they are valuable and want to tell more when they feel that their stories are cared for. This contributes both to the strengthening of family relations and the language development of children.

Enhancing Memory

Thanks to the painting activities, children are introduced to colours at an early age. With the help of colouring books, children can get acquainted with various objects as well as colours at an early age. This helps to strengthen children’s visual memory and expand their vocabulary. The more the children are exposed to various stimuli in the preschool period, the faster the skills develop.

When choosing colouring books, choosing books with complementary pictures contributes to children’s freedom to imagine freely while colouring. Even if this is not possible, you can ask them to think about the objects they are painting to train them to do brain training.

Children under three years of age try to recognize objects with their mouths. Therefore, it is important to be under the control of an adult when painting. Some chemical-containing dyes can pose a threat to children’s health, so it is essential to be extremely sensitive when selecting dyeing materials.

If you want to have colouring books that support the development of children in many respects you can browse the Coloring Books for Kids category in Amazon India.